Trout Unlimited North Bear Chapter

Don't miss out on the 2024 Flyfishing Film Tour taking place Saturday, March 9, from 10am to 2 pm at the Varsity Cinema in Des Moines.
You will see 2 hours of flyfishing from all over the world in a great cinematic experience.
Click the link to get your tickets now!!! Buy Tickets
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What We Do
Trout Unlimited works throughout the United States to preserve, protect and expand populations and habitat for trout and salmon, and is a national leader in cold-water fishery and watershed protection programs. In Iowa, TU partners with public, buisness and government interests to enhance and protect the critical environments needed to restore the state's native trout poulations. Working together to benefit the common good of our fisheries and the environment is a cornerstone of TU's restoration philosophy.
Why Trout and Salmon Conservation?
Trout and salmon species are often viewed as indicators of overall environmental health. Where trout or salmon are present, that generally indicates a healthy ecosystem and, in turn, the presence of other healthy populations of wildlife. Where trout and salmon have disappeared, that generally indicates a damaged ecosystem, and other wildlife that once shared it are likely suffering too. In this way, trout and salmon set the standard for the overall health of an ecosystem-a standard that benefits all living things that share it, including humans.
What does TU do to Protect Trout and Salmon?
TU focuses its trout and salmon conservation efforts on several fronts. From local on-the-ground habitat protection to lobbying at the highest levels of government, TU uses science as its key weapon in the fight to conserve, protect and restore North America's trout and salmon fisheries and their watersheds. These efforts generally target one or more of the so-called "Four H's" of fisheries conservation:
Habitat covers water polution, the physical condition of stream channels, habitat damage caused by small dams, irrigation withdrawals and other diversions, and other aquatic habitat needs.
Hydropower deals with the stream flows and fish migration problems associated with hydroelectric dams.
Harvest covers the balance between wild fish sustainability and commercial and recreational harvest.
Hatcheries encompasses all the direct and indirect threats posed by artificial propogation of fish, including genetic, ecological and economic issues.
You can learn more about each of these, see examples of some of the specific problems associated with each, and how TU is providing solutions to these problems at the Trout Unlimited website.
North Bear Chapter Activities
Trout Unlimited activities in Iowa focus largely on conservation, education, and advocacy to encourage governmental bodies to address the state's serious water quality problems.
Conservation: Trout Unlimited chapters work throughout the state to encourage and implement habitat restoration projects. We provide training and planning programs, assist with fundraising and sponsor acquisition, negotiate with landowners, and provide on-site labor and experience for project implementation. You can learn more about our conservation projects here.
Education: Members of the North Bear Chapter regularly engage in education and outreach activities. These include Trout Unlimited's national programs such as First Cast and Trout in the Classroom, casting clinics and fly tying demonstrations, workshops and appearances at sportsman's shows and events, etc. Details on Trout Unlimited's local education efforst can be found here.
Advocacy: Being located in the state capitol, the TU North Bear chapter has regulate access to state agencies, programs and officials. Member work to ensure that state polititcians and decision makers are educated about the economic, environemntal and community benefits for strong conservation programming and the unique opportunities presented by environmental preservation and recreational tourism. Currect advocacy programming is detailed here, and active state legislative priorities are listed here.
If you have questions about the North Bear chapter's activities, please don't hesitate to contact us. For additional information about TU's work nationally, we encourage you to consult the Trout Unlimited website.