Bloody Run Creek Watershed CAFO Concerns
Iowa Trout Unlimited Sues Iowa DNR over Cattle Feedlot Group contends excessive nutrients will impact water quality, harm trout Jan. 12,...
Trout update from the southern part of the Iowa Driftless with Dan Kirby
Check out the latest update for the northern part of the Iowa Driftless with Dan Kirby. Dan provides updates on what is taking place and...
Trout Update for the northern part of the Iowa Driftless from Mike Seipker
Check out the latest update for the northern part of the Iowa Driftless with Mike Seipker. Mike provides updates on what is taking place...
Six suggestions for a stronger master matrix
Bob Bernard is a member of the North Bear Chapter of Trout Unlimited. He keeps the chapter updated on the IEC (IIowa Environmental ...

2017 Beer release - June 22nd 6-9 PM
Jasper Winery 2400 George Flagg Parkway Des Moines 515-282-9463 Join us at Jasper Winery for the release of Madhouse’s Royal Humpy Beer!...
Join us for Fly Fishing 101 May 21 or June 11
If you have wanted to try fly fishing, join us to learn the basics of fly tying and fly casting with tips to use on the water at one of...
Pine Spring Creek water quality and angler access easement dedication April 28
Decorah– The public is invited to celebrate the dedication of the new water quality and angler access easement on Pine Spring Creek,...
The Iowa landowner who brought a creek back to life
Find out how native Iowan, Michael Osterholm turned a corn field in to a creek. Kelsey Kremer/The Register http://www.desmoinesregister.c...
Driftless Stream Project Tour
Tuesday, October 18, 8:15AM - 5:00PM Save the Date! You’re invited to join TU volunteers and staff, fisheries professionals and...
Driftless Area Fundraiser
COME CELEBRATE AND SUPPORT 10 years of DARE’s Driftless Area trout stream restoration! Join us for a fun evening at the first-ever...